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Drywall Installer

Posted by: K&M Construction Ltd.
Posting date: January 29, 2024      Expire in -385 days
Posting date: January 29, 2024
Expire in -385 days
Job location: CANADA
Vacancy: 2
Job category: Construction
Job id: 20240129-225551

Job description:

K&M Construction Ltd.  is looking for 2  Drywall Installer who can join their team on permanent and full-time basis.


Job responsibilities as a Drywall Installer: 

  • Install and finish drywall sheets
  • Measure, cut and fit drywall sheets for installation on walls and ceilings
  • Trims rough edges from wallboard to maintain even joints, using knife
  • Position and secure sheets to metal or wooden studs or joists
  • Fits and fastens wallboard or sheet-rock into specified position, using hand tools, portable power tools, or adhesive
  • Measures and marks cutting lines on framing, drywall, and trim, using tape measure, straightedge or square, and marking devices
  • Installs blanket insulation between studs and tacks plastic moisture barrier over insulation
  • Fill joints, nail indentations, holes and cracks with joint compound using trowel and broad knife
  • Removes plaster, drywall, or paneling, using crowbar and hammer
  • Assembles and installs metal framing and decorative trim for windows, doorways, vents, etc.



Skill and qualification requirements:

  • Completion of secondary school is required
  • 3-4 years of apprenticeship program OR Some college or industry courses in drywalling.


  • A combination of over two to three years of work experience and completion of some high school, college, or industry course related to the position.


The salary we are offering is $29.00 per hour and granted minimum hours of work 30 hrs/week.


The ideal candidate would be a team player who works well with others, thrives in a performance-based culture and desires long-term employment with opportunities for advancement in the company. If you have a background in drywall and are ready to be a leader this job is for you!


To Apply, Please send your resume by:



 Fax: (604)-608-9853

 Mail: 13439 68 Avenue, Surrey BC, V3W 2G1


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