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Hairstyling salon manager

Posted by: MN Salon
Posting date: February 08, 2024      Expire in -355 days
Posting date: February 08, 2024
Expire in -355 days
Job location: CANADA
Vacancy: 1
Job category: Salon & Hairstyle
Job id: 20240208-222332

Job description:

Hairstyling salon manager

Terms of Employment:
-Position: Hairstyling salon manager
-Vacancy: 1
-Wage: $26.00~27.00 per hour (depending on experience)
-Work Hours: 6~8 hours per day or 30~40 hours per week (Full-time), Permanent
-Benefit: 10 days paid vacation per year

Job Duties:
-Plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the hairstyling salon operations
-Establish or implement policies and procedures for hairstyling salon staff
-Plan and control budget and inventory
-Respond to inquiries or complaints and resolve problems
-Manager contracts for advertising or marketing strategies
-Address customers’ complaints or concerns
-Hire and supervise staff

Job Requirements:
-Experience: Minimum 2~3 years of related experience

-Language: English is required

-Education: Completion of Secondary school

Job Application Submission:
-By Mail: MN hair Group Ltd. dba MN Salon
#123-20353 64 Ave, Langley, BC., V2Y 1N5



Assistant Manager...
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